Your Poem

Try as I might
to craft a poem for you –
just for you –
turns-of-phrase and perfect words
elude me.

What I have come to realize,
is Your Poem –
the one that my heart will write you –
is a work in progress.

It unfolds daily.
It’s in every kiss
and every argument.
It’s in the mundane moments
and the extraordinary events.

This poem – Your Poem –
burns up my brain on every drive we take.
And it sings out in songs that move me to tears.
Your Poem – the one I long to write you –
lives and breathes
in the two-year-old that sleeps between us.

It dances around us when we do the two-step
in the middle of dinner.
And it reveals itself in every private joke
and each shed tear, all the hellos
and all the good byes

Try as I might
to craft a poem for you –
Your Poem eludes me.

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